
The most embarrrassing moment of my young life

Of all the stories I could have shared I think this one will allow you to get the fullest picture of who I am.

Choosing my most embarrassing moment is actually easier then I thought. I am prone to them, in fact my life thus far has been a montage of embarrassment. I’m clumsy and have a talent for saying exactly the wrong thing at exactly the wrong time. However this was definitely a stand out.

A year or so ago, probably longer, I was invited to go to the movies with a group of friends from university. I was feeling pretty nervous about it, I hadn’t really hung out with any of them outside of uni and socialising isn’t my forte. What’s more was that I was desperate to impress one of the boys that were going; Jade Ashworth.

I spent longer deciding what to wear then I usually would have. This was my opportunity to prove that while I may have been a dork at uni, I really was cool. I intended to seize it.

We met up at the movies and decided to see Hancock. I was feeling pretty impressed with myself, oozing confidence and playing hard-to-get. Feeling like the life of the party.

I don’t remember much of the movie and I haven’t seen it since, so I can’t offer any comment on it. Hancock had just come out, it was over school holidays and it was a rainy day; the trifecta. Needless to say the cinema was full. Yet I don’t think it’s too self-absorbed to say that the people who were there that day probably remember me better then they do the movie.

It was about halfway through when it happened. I had to use the bathroom. I was cursing myself for drinking the whole large Coke I’d bought. Getting up to go to the toilet posed a number of problems for me: firstly there is no way to maintain gracefulness while you push your way through the rows of annoyed patrons. But also if I got up to leave I ran the risk that someone else would capture Jade’s attention while I was gone.

Finally I decided that I couldn’t hold on any longer. I got up, pushed and “sorry”ed my way to the aisle. I was trying to “breeze” out of the cinema. The reality, however, was that I got down two steps before I slipped; the rest of which I went down on my bum. The whole cinema saw it and were in hysterics. Those who were unfortunate enough to miss it were quickly informed, people not even bothering to whisper “Did you see that girl?” A room of strangers bonded over my miss fortune.

It wasn’t all bad though. I took it in pretty good spirits; laughing at myself. I walked back into the cinema afterwards with my chin held high, ignoring the sniggering.

What’s more I got the boy. Unfortunately he’s never let me forget. Just the other day he was laughing to himself, then said “Hey Rach, do you remember that time…”


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