
This is for you...

I’m not a person of very much faith. I’m too cynical, rely too heavily on fact. But when I think about my life and the people that I have in it I truly believe that I am blessed.

There is little denying that what we’re all searching for is love. We all want to find that one romance that conquers all others. A person that we can connect with. We search for passion, understanding and beyond anything else we all seek acceptance.

I’ve experienced love in a great number of forms. And I’ve experienced an equal amount of loss. However I think that it is important to lose people. It’s a pain that can exceed any other, one that you will carry around with you. But if you can’t understand how much it hurts to lose, how can you know to appreciate love? If you don’t bleed how can you be sure that you are truly alive?

Love can be many different things. Butterflies dancing around in your chest. Anticipation that rolls circles around your stomach. The sheer disbelief that the person of your affections sees something within you that you can not.

But I think that a true love can be something else entirely. Something solid, something tangible, something that you can rest your head on. While passion and romance are significant, there is more to be experienced. What I have learnt, through an often perilous journey, is that love is about trust. Being able to blindly believe in another person. To be able to hand them your entire heart and trust that they will keep it in good condition. It’s about understanding. Knowing that some days they’re going to be in a bad mood, sometimes they need the space to breathe and that at times they need extra attention. It’s about acceptance. It is about someone accepting you’re silliness, eagerness to please and days of melancholy. Accepting them not as faults; but simply as a part of who you are.

I spend too much of time feeling anxious about the future and too little appreciating the present. Because after all the present is all we really have. I have a boy in my present who has taught me how to laugh at myself. A boy who, despite his strong desire for independence, has learnt to rely on me. A boy for whom I would sacrifice everything; but who will never ask me to. My present is centred around a boy who I love. A love that is tangible and huge.


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